FIP: Nuevos Lineamientos Aerophilately

TO:         FIP Aerophilately Maximaphily Commission Delegates

                FIP National Federations

FROM:  Acting Chairman, FIP Aerophilately Commission

Attached are the New Guidelines for Aerophilately. The background to the new Guidelines is set out below.

1.       The FIP Board has regular meetings with Commission Chairmen and Secretaries. One of the matters raised has been the different wording used in the Guidelines for definitions of the same matter e.g. Treatment, Rarity etc. (but excluding wording related only to a specific class). A working group was established to align the Guidelines across the different classes using the Postal Stationery Guidelines as the model and all Commissions were asked to simplify their Guidelines.

The aim was to simplify the wording to make it easier to understand, especially for non-English speaking exhibitors and judges.

               For example – the present Guidelines refer to ‘collections’ instead of  ‘exhibits’. 

2.       At the meeting of Commission Chairmen and Secretaries at PRAGA 2018 in August, it was pointed out that for judging exhibits there are 3 sets of requirements:

–          GREV – setting out the principles for judging/evaluation and applicable to most classes

–          SREV – providing more detail and specific to each class

–          Guidelines – explaining in detail how the SREVs are to be applied/interpreted.

3.       Why is it necessary for jurors and exhibitors to have to refer to 3 documents?

The GREV obviously have to remain. But why not combine the SREV and Guidelines?

4.       The SREV have to be approved by the FIP Congress – at such short notice a change to the SREV at the Congress in Bangkok was not possible.

But the Guidelines are prepared by each Commission and approved by the FIP Board.

5.       At the Praga meeting It was agreed that amended Guidelines (including the contents of the SREV) should be prepared by each Commission.

6.       The simplified Guidelines with aligned wording were approved at the Commission meeting on 1 December 2018 and sent to the FIP Board.

Attached is a copy of these Guidelines which now also include the SREV – all in one document.

The FIP Board approved the new Guidelines at its meeting in Buenos Aires on 28 August 2019 but for technical reasons has deferred their ratification to the FIP Congress to be held in Jakarta in August 2020.

I hope all Federations will support this ratification at Congress.

Thank you for your support.

Norman Banfield

Acting Chairman,

FIP Aerophilately Commission
